Heal your Body & Awaken your Soul

Here at CenterPeace we offer you a wide variety of natural, holistic, energy centered practices to help you relax, connect, refresh, and heal on many different levels:  Physically, energetically, emotionally and spiritually.  

From private one-on-one or couple’s sessions to smaller group classes and intimate events, we have something that meets you at your level, whatever and wherever that may be! We are here for you, to guide you and support you in taking the next steps to a deeper, healthier, more connected way of living! 

Gentle Chiropractic Care ~ Network Spinal Analysis

Network Spinal Analysis is a very gentle form of Chiropractic (no “cracking”, “popping” or sudden twisting to the spine). Together with Somato Respiratory Integration clients report major improvements in physical and emotional wellbeing, quality of life and lifestyle, better adaptability to stress, and overall increase in life enjoyment.

NSA is an evidenced based approach to wellness and body awareness.

Gentle precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves develop with this work. They are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness. Practitioners combine their clinical assessments of spinal refinements with patient’s self assessments of wellness and life changes.

Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, mind, emotion, and expression of the human spirit are realized through this unique healing work. NSA is exclusively practiced by Doctors of Chiropractic in relationship to the identification and self regulation of spinal tension and subluxation patterns.


Naturopathic and Functional Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct primary health care profession that combines the wisdom of nature with the rigors of modern science.  It emphasizes prevention, treatment, and optimal health.  Treatment involves lifestyle and nutritional changes and the therapeutic use of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutrients based on the patient's individual needs and requirements.

Naturopathic doctors diagnose and treat both acute and chronic conditions while aiming to identify and address the multiple root causes of ill health, dysfunction and disease.  

Naturopathic doctors do not focus on one complaint at a time so visits are often times 30-60 minutes in length in order to create collaborative treatment plans to restore integrity to the body in a systematic way. 


Functional Nutrition

Functional nutrition focuses on addressing the root causes of health issues and emphasizes the therapeutic potential of whole foods and nutrients that support the body’s natural healing processes. Functional nutrition uses each person’s unique biochemical makeup and a variety of other factors to create a holistic healing approach that is specialized to each person as an individual. Our nationally board-certified health and wellness coach works in collaboration with our functional medicine doctor providing comprehensive lab work and testing necessary to truly address the root cause of health issues and imbalances. Through lifestyle modifications and empowering people to take back control of their own health, functional nutrition offers the healing of existing concerns and prevention of future concerns by promoting a balanced and nourished lifestyle. 


Energy Healing

Energy healing is a holistic practice where universal life force (or healing energy) is channeled into a client to help balance, heal and remove blockages from the body. Flow, balance, harmony and vitality within the body can be restored and maintained during a treatment.  

Everything is Energy. Energy vibrates at various frequencies. The molecules located within our bodies are constantly vibrating and radiating positive or negative, balanced or unbalanced, opened or closed frequencies. When our energies are misaligned and radiating low-vibrational frequencies, it can materialize into physical ailments, like pains, sickness and dis-ease.  

The human body was created to be on this Earth for at least 120 years. Our bodies are created to heal themselves energetically and physically. When our Energy systems are blocked, those systems in our bodies need to be reminded how to heal again. A true healer is not someone who takes away your pain and dis-ease. A true healer awakens your ability to heal yourself. 

Massage Therapies

Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing traditions. Many ancient peoples – including the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians – were convinced of the therapeutic properties of massage and used it to treat a variety of ailments.

Massage therapy (including myotherapy) is the practice of kneading or manipulating a person’s muscles and other soft-tissue in order to improve their wellbeing or health. It is a form of manual therapy that includes holding, moving, and applying pressure to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.

The term ‘massage therapy’ is used to describe a wide variety of techniques that vary in the manner in which touch, pressure and the intensity of the treatment is applied.

Here at CenterPeace we have several Therapists offering a variety of Massage services from Relaxation, Deep Tissue, Therapeutic, Shamanic, Hot Stone, Reflexology, Sports, Thermal, Raindrop, Prenatal and so much more….


Imagine a physically warming, energetically relaxing, and soulfully soothing hour in which you lie down upon an energetically designed mat that supports your body to deepen into profound healing, immune boosting, pain reduction, release of stress, and improved blood circulation. The BioMat’s unique technology (combining infrared rays, negative ions, amethyst crystals, and curated sound) penetrates at the cellular level, giving it the capability of addressing a wide range of health issues.​

Amethyst crystals are interwoven throughout the mat. Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. As natural tranquilizers, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety.  It alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. It also has strong healing and cleansing powers for disease and metabolism.

Touch of Peace Massage

Reiki and Pranic Healing

Reiki is a spiritual healing practice that encourages balance in Body, Mind, and Spirit.   That's the easiest way to describe Reiki. 

Stress, as we know, releases hormones to signal your body to quickly pump oxygen into the bloodstream, raising your heartbeat, and blood pressure. Your body does this as a response to escape a stressor. Chronic stress requires so much energy, that your body puts off healing your own tissues, and stops the healthy renewal of cells because it's too busy reacting to the stress signals. Over time, this chronic stress may result in emotional, mental, and physical imbalances, which may lead to dis-ease and illness. Reiki helps the body by creating healing space.

Cranial Sacral

Cranial sacral therapy (CST) or craniosacral therapy is a non-invasive, gentle, hands-on technique that was developed over 100 years ago. Cranial sacral therapy theory and practice is based on understanding the subtle movements of the cranial bones, which results in a certain rhythm. This rhythm is caused by fluctuations in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The CSF covers the entire central nervous system from the brain down to the base of the spine. A CST practitioner gently works on the spine, cranial sutures, diaphragm and fascia, restoring the natural rhythm and movements of the CSF.

Orthopedic and Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Orthopedic physical therapy specializes in treating musculoskeletal conditions, injuries, and disorders, aiming to alleviate pain, and improve strength and mobility through manual therapy techniques such as soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, dry needling, cupping and manual muscle stretch, as well as through a tailored exercise program. Pelvic floor physical therapy, a subspeciality of orthopedic physical therapy, addresses concerns such as pregnancy-related discomfort, postpartum recovery, and pelvic floor dysfunction, including pelvic pain, incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Each one-on-one session provides personalized care to enhance overall well-being and empower individuals to regain functional independence.


Plant Based Living and Experiences

Plant Based Living and Experiences.

Astrology and Birth Charting


Sound Therapy

While there are many types of sound therapy, all of them produce vibrations that alter ones brain waves. When vibrations travel through the body, they promote circulation, energy flow, and rejuvenation, rewiring the brain from patterns of trauma, anxiety, and reactivity toward safety, calmness, and peace.  The frequency of the sound synchronizes with the brain wave and activates a de-stress response in the body. Modalities may include Tibetan or crystal singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, chimes, drums, and immersive binaural beats.

Biofeedback and Light Therapy

Light is an essential nutrient of life. Using the sun’s light as therapy dates back thousands of years. Modern science has evolved the engineered delivery of the beneficial wavelengths (colors) of the sun’s light into low-level light therapy (LLLT) technology / Polychromatic Light Therapy (PLT). 

PLT is delivered via light emitting diode (LED) pads placed on the body that emit infrared, red and blue radiation. The light can penetrate to different depths inside the biological tissue where they get naturally absorbed into cells. The absorbed light can stimulate the energy of the cells for repair and regeneration, improve blood circulation – one of the vital components of the healing process. 



Qigong (pronounced Chee-GONG) is a practice of aligning body, breath and mind, for health and meditation. Its literal translation is ‘life energy cultivation’. With roots in traditional Chinese medicine, qigong cultivates, balances and nourishes the energy aspect of our being. Qigong helps practitioners still the mind and enter a state of conscious awareness that brings serenity, clarity, and relaxation.

​Qigong is easy to learn, and incorporates simple, gentle, intentional movement; mindful breathing; and calm meditative focus. The focus is commonly on visualizing the movement of qi through the body’s energy centers, and balancing qi flow in the meridians and other pathways of the body. As a form of gentle exercise, qigong helps strengthen and stretch the body, enhance balance, increase body fluid movement, and improve awareness of how the body moves through space.

​Qigong embraces action and stillness, cultivating mindfulness, concentration, and presence. It empowers practitioners with calm clear energy, strength, and vibrant health – bringing peace to the body, mind, heart and spirit.


Additional Sessions

Listed are additional sessions we offer here at CenterPeace.

Plant Based Living and  Experiences

Couples Offerings

Ancestral Healing 

Soul Painting 

Tarot Readings

Cowry Shell Readings

Drum Circles

Massage Therapy 

Language Analysis 

Integrative Holistic Life Practices

Reiki and Energy Healing Circles

Astrological Guidance 


Light Therapy

If you would like more details about any please fill out our contact form below. All of our sessions can be combined to utilize numerous healing modalities to provide the most effective results for you.